I am munching on a loaf of walnut bread made this afternoon, while typing this entry. Tomorrow will be my last day at Yamana Garden, the past few days had been a fulfilling experience and provide me a lot of insights in both organic farming and organic way of living. My wwoofing at Yamana Garden was very last minute but Yama readily agreed to accept me when he heard I want to start wwoof the next day. I was really grateful and could tell that Yama was someone that is passionate and want to share his work with anyone that is interested.
My first impression of Yamana Garden- mixed feelings. I was amazed at the primitive living condition, at the same time, the city girl in me was dismayed and worried if I am able to live through the next few days. A normal day at Yamana Garden is to feed the two wild boars and clear weeds in the morning; clear the mud patch for the wild boars new living quarters; plants fruits saplings and vegetables; collect firewood for bread making and clear more areas for vegetables patch.
Yama believed and followed the permaculture way of living and it was really an eye opener for me. It is different from doing organic farming and eating organic food, because we do not use fertilizers to grow the vegetable and did nothing to kill the harmful insects; everything was done to take after the natural foliage. Besides learning to identify the different plants and handle the hoe and sickle, I had also made friend with 2 other wwoofers. Working and living with people with the same passion and interest made the experience more memorable. I know that I will miss this place when I am gone and will definitely come back for a longer stay if I have the chance.
刚到野蔓园的时候,有点“文化冲击”,不太确定自己能否度过接下来的14天 ,哈哈!有惊无险的独自度过了第一个风大雨大的晚上后,清晨的野蔓园给了我不同的感受,走一趟园区你马上可以感受到空气中一股积极肯定的能量,当下觉得自己很受鼓舞,似乎整个环境正式接受并环迎我这个新来的客人!
接下来的日子,除了认识了一些本来叫不出名字的草和菜、学习窑烤面包的制作,种树、育苗和除草的计巧外,更重要的是学习改变生活的态度和习惯,加强对环境的敏感度,重新思考在整个‘自然共和国’中,除了敬畏大自然的无穷力量外,自己到底因该扮演一个怎样的角色 。
Ah Mei